
Our mission with 黑人社区倡议 is to seek to uplift Black people and communities at the yzcca88游戏登录网址. 我们被这个问题所引导, “我们如何确保黑人教职员工, staff, and students not only choose DU but also feel a profound sense of ownership and belonging here?” We strive to make the yzcca88游戏登录网址 a destination for Black community members to thrive by providing access to resources, 社区参与, 以及庆祝黑人生活的节目, 文化, 和历史. 作为一个创举, we are dedicated to addressing the specific challenges Black communities face by promoting restoration, 正义, 和股票. We work to educate the larger university community and create opportunities for Black students, 教师, staff, 校友, 与外部社区成员建立联系, 参与, 建立有助于成功的人际关系.

作为DEI行动计划的一部分, DU继续提交资源 to address its historically inconsistent and uneven support of our Black community members. The primary goal through these efforts is to weave an inclusion of Black people and all they bring throughout the University’s 文化 and structures. Our intention is that members of our Black communities can unapologetically bring their full and authentic selves to the institution and thrive while being vital parts of the growth and excellence of the yzcca88游戏登录网址. We endeavor to create space for them to do so both individually and collectively, 现在和未来. 


Associate Director of 黑人社区倡议, DEI


Son. 哥哥. Uncle. 朋友. 导师.

John Miller IV (he/him) is the new Associate Director of 黑人社区倡议 at the yzcca88游戏登录网址. 作为一名包容教育工作者, he seeks to develop an affirming environment for others to build their understanding of cultural humility. He also utilizes his ancestral radical Black imagination to advocate for the liberation of minoritized communities within systems of oppression.

John's professional philosophy is centered on the Ubuntu proverb, “我爱你,因为你爱我, 既然你是, 因此, I am.“以人为本, 区间的实践者, 他对黑人身份充满热情, 组织转型, 身临其境的编程, 并将艺术融入他的实践. 他的人生座右铭是“Adinkrahene”. AYA. 欧斯.”(铅. 忍受. 还记得.)

来自查尔斯顿, SC, John gains his foundation from the strong Black women throughout his life. John holds a master’s in higher education administration and a bachelor’s in psychology with a concentration in arts entrepreneurship, 都来自北卡罗来纳州立大学. 在这个角色之前, John brings a wealth of experience from Duke University, 北卡罗莱纳州立大学, 伦大学, 以及科罗拉多大学博尔德分校.




Visit the BCI YouTube page to watch all past recorded events! 


Watch the newly uploaded Towards Black Freedom Panel



The BCI bi-weekly newsletter is the place to find upcoming programming and events hosted by BCI or with Black community members in mind. You can also learn more about our other 社区参与 and educational opportunities.




Building support specifically for our Black community is IMPACT AREA 4 for the DEI行动计划
